In many aspects, naturopathy is “common sense applied to health”. The basic principle is to have tremendous innate healing abilities, and our systems will always attempt to overcome an Illness and restore balance. In naturopathy, these attempts are encouraged by utilizing such natural factors such as diet, exercise and relaxation, fresh air and the use of water (hydrotherapy). The general driving force of treatment is to bring back the healthy conditions of a patient as far as possible, and equally to advocate prevention rather than cure.

"Good health is always your best asset".

  • Mud Therapy – Mud therapy is used for giving coolness to body. It dilutes and absorbs the toxic substances of body and ultimately eliminates them from body.
  • Hydrotherapy – Hydrotherapy is used to treat musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or spinal cord injuries and in patients suffering burns, spasticity, stroke or paralysis.
  • Pranayam, Open Air Bath – Pranayama Yoga is generally confined as a breathing Yoga exercise. As a matter of fact, it has profound meaning than the confinement as a breathing activity.
  • Sun Baths, Chromotherapy – Chromotherapy used to calm the nervous system, treat insomnia and mental disorders such as schizophrenia; stimulates production of white blood cells, eliminates toxins, heals inflammations and sciatica
  • Fasting, Physiological Resting – Fasting has various Health benefits that include: Improved cardiovascular health, Boosts metabolism, Decreased Blood Sugar, Improves overall immune system
  • Magneto Therapy – Magnet therapy is a clinical system in which human ailments are treated and cured through the application of magnets to the body of the patients.